Thursday, February 12, 2009


I have to say that I agree with Carl Becker. We as Americans take a lot of our liberties, and the fact that we have a democracy for granted. In fact we have almost forgotten what being a part of a democracy means. We have disconnected ourselves from the government, and figure they’ll do what’s best for us. We usually fall in line with what the government and media tells us to do, especially if they ground it into us. Most Americans have no idea how banks work, and how the Federal Reserve can manipulate various markets by tampering with interest rates, and the money supply. However 8 out of 10 Americans are in favor for the stimulus packages, and bailouts even though they are oblivious to how these pieces of legislation will affect our economy now and in the future. Since CNN and Barack Obama have said we’ve needed this stimulus package dozens of times, then we must need it. Auto tycoon Henry Ford once said if Americans really knew how our banking system in the US works, there would be a revolution tomorrow morning. The ray of hope is that we still live in a democracy, and if Americans can wake up, this government of the people can return to being an industrial powerhouse like we were in the early and mid 20th century, and going back to being the envy of the world.

1 comment:

  1. You make some very good points and applications to Becker's analysis of democracy. Our nation really is becoming ignorant and oblivious to what goes on around us. Many of us know nothing about our own government system and sadly, many probably do not care in the slightest. We blindly listen to what others tell us to do, trusting them to make the appropriate decisions.
