Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Interesting Topics

1.What should America do about the economic crisis?
-Will injecting trillions of dollars into the market fix it?
-Is over-regulating aka federalizing everything the answer?
-Is the problem that we have a market inbalance, too much consumption not enough prodction?
-Could the free market potentially fix this?

2.Green Bay Packers
-Who should they draft with the 9th pick?
-Do we have the talent to win the NFC North next year?
-What type of denfensive scheme should we use next year?

3.Product of your enviorment
-How easy is it for a white kid in the suburbs to go to college?
-How hard is it for a minority from the inner city to go to college?

4.Who is your favorite Ferrell? Will or Colin?

5.The differences between Obama and McCain, and even Bush are very small.
-Don't expect alot of change with this president
-Look past the "Yes We Can" bs and listen to what he says and look at his policies
-Fiscally Obama and Bush are very similiar (extreme trade inbalances, extreme budget defits,extreme debt $50 trillion+ in public debt, and unfunded government obligations such as medicare, medicade, and social security, and the devaluation of the dollar)
-If you didn't like Bush's war in Iraq your not going to like Obama's war in Iraq and Afghanistan

6.Should you be able to buy things with money you don't have, and should you have to pay back loans?
-Are Americans entitled to endless credit, because we've gotten used to our extravagant lifestyle?
-Is it fair for an asian to work the same job as an American and get paid a fraction of what the American gets paid?
-The volume of a nations credit, is based on that nation's savings,when nations stray from this economic law, they run into serious financial trouble.Look at the United States right now.

1 comment:

  1. The Packers are awesome and will win the NFC North next year. They need to draft a solid defensive end for their new 3-4 defense though. If Julius Peppers becomes a free agent, he would be perfect.
