Since the school year is winding down, and people are getting nervous about exams. I'd figure I'd post a video that's a little random but pretty funny and hope it eases the tension you have going for your finals. At least for the two minutes you watch it.
Well here's the video link (Its the song Dr.Zaius done on the Simpsons, Dr.Zaius is the monkey doctor from Planet of the Apes)
Friday, May 8, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
A few guys who understand basic economics
Here is a link of what the Controller General David Walker aka accountant of the United States had to say about our budget problems.
Here is a link to President of EuroPacific Capital explaining economics to so called financial experts on CNN, Fox News and MSNBC
I am doing my research paper on the effect mainstream media and the government have on our perception of the state our economy is in. If you understand basic micro and macro economics concepts as well as mathematics you can see there are major imbalances in our economy. However who wants to hear our economy is in really bad shape. Obama talks about change and about yes we can. It seems like he knows what he's talking about. Bush was an idiot, so under Obama's watch we will experience much more prosperity than we did these last eight years.
I believe most Americans are addicted to instant gratification, and want to plug their ears when they hear bad news coming. The government knows this, and to keep their constituents happy they will do anything to artificially boost the economy and push off problems like the budget deficit to a later date, in order to get elected and re-elected. I personally wouldn't put too much stock in what most politicians like George Bush and Barack Obama because they look at the short term, with no thought of the long term effects their policies have on our future.
What we have done as country is not made an economy that is impervious to shocks but one that allows the consequences to be postponed to a later unfortunately that date may have finally arrived.
Here is a link to the US budget deficit for this year
Here is a link to the World Trade balance. Look who is at the bottom with
a $568.8 billion trade deficit.
Link to an article on our $53 trillion dollar debt
Law of Supply and Demand. That competition between consumers and producers brings the supply of goods and the demand for them into balance. Cardinal 'law' of free-market economic theory. Overproduction lowers prices, increasing demand; over consumption raises prices, reducing demand.
Our economy has over consumed and overproduced, and we have allocated too many resources to the nonproductive service sector. Right now we need an economic cleansing in the form of the recession to bring real estate, car and stock prices down to earth, and to transition our credit based phony service economy into a savings based production economy. That means our wages will be more on par with European countries, we won't have an unlimited credit card, and we won't be able to consume half of the world's resources. If we don't change course and keep our same economic policies of overspending and inflating the money supply you'd just have to look at Germany in the 1920's to see what we'll become.
Here is a link to President of EuroPacific Capital explaining economics to so called financial experts on CNN, Fox News and MSNBC
I am doing my research paper on the effect mainstream media and the government have on our perception of the state our economy is in. If you understand basic micro and macro economics concepts as well as mathematics you can see there are major imbalances in our economy. However who wants to hear our economy is in really bad shape. Obama talks about change and about yes we can. It seems like he knows what he's talking about. Bush was an idiot, so under Obama's watch we will experience much more prosperity than we did these last eight years.
I believe most Americans are addicted to instant gratification, and want to plug their ears when they hear bad news coming. The government knows this, and to keep their constituents happy they will do anything to artificially boost the economy and push off problems like the budget deficit to a later date, in order to get elected and re-elected. I personally wouldn't put too much stock in what most politicians like George Bush and Barack Obama because they look at the short term, with no thought of the long term effects their policies have on our future.
What we have done as country is not made an economy that is impervious to shocks but one that allows the consequences to be postponed to a later unfortunately that date may have finally arrived.
Here is a link to the US budget deficit for this year
Here is a link to the World Trade balance. Look who is at the bottom with
a $568.8 billion trade deficit.
Link to an article on our $53 trillion dollar debt
Law of Supply and Demand. That competition between consumers and producers brings the supply of goods and the demand for them into balance. Cardinal 'law' of free-market economic theory. Overproduction lowers prices, increasing demand; over consumption raises prices, reducing demand.
Our economy has over consumed and overproduced, and we have allocated too many resources to the nonproductive service sector. Right now we need an economic cleansing in the form of the recession to bring real estate, car and stock prices down to earth, and to transition our credit based phony service economy into a savings based production economy. That means our wages will be more on par with European countries, we won't have an unlimited credit card, and we won't be able to consume half of the world's resources. If we don't change course and keep our same economic policies of overspending and inflating the money supply you'd just have to look at Germany in the 1920's to see what we'll become.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
The Future
In ten years I hope to have a job I enjoy doing that pays pretty well. I'm not exactly sure what kind of job that is going to be yet. I hope I can live in a warmer state like California, or Arizona because I'm not a big fan of the sub 45 degree weather mid October through mid April.
In ten years I see society being a whole lot different. I think that we'll see the economies in southeast Asia boom and we'll see them consume more, after decades of producing cheap products for the United States and Europe, meaning there won't be as much for us to consume. Right now our economy is 75% consumption based, the Asians borrow us money to finance our wars, bailouts, and the cheap labor, and cheap products they give to us. Right now we're holding they're economy down, and it looks like they're starting to realize this. China recently refused to invest in $1 trillion of US Treasury Bonds, because they're starting to see the United States as a bad investment because of how reckless our consumption and spending is. So the Federal Reserve picks up the slack. If China won't loan us money aka invest in our Treasury Bonds, the Federal Reserve will. The Federal Reserve recently printed $1 trillion which it invested in itself (Treasury Bonds) which is will disperse among the banks. Couple this with the countless other times they've handed out hundreds of billions of dollars they've given to banks. Meaning there are trillions of extra dollars in the market that came from the printing press, as the market reacts to these trillions of extra dollars, you'll see higher prices for everyday items like food, and clothing. Remember each additional dollar printed diminishes those already in circulation. Something can't effortlessly created from nothing.
As we keep up our current reckless financial policy, and as we see Asians lose confidence in our economy and economic policies. We'll see them stop lending us money and stop exporting products to us. So there will be a shortage on products we rely on the Asians providing for us. I think the current economic structure our country currently has must collapse, and we have to build up an economy that saves more than it spends so we can create legitimate credit, and produces instead of consumes, so we have a surplus we can save. I think in 10 to 15 years we'll see the United States building up a legitimate economy. I don't think we'll be the superpower of the world in 10 years, if we're lucky we'll be like France or Germany.
In ten years I see society being a whole lot different. I think that we'll see the economies in southeast Asia boom and we'll see them consume more, after decades of producing cheap products for the United States and Europe, meaning there won't be as much for us to consume. Right now our economy is 75% consumption based, the Asians borrow us money to finance our wars, bailouts, and the cheap labor, and cheap products they give to us. Right now we're holding they're economy down, and it looks like they're starting to realize this. China recently refused to invest in $1 trillion of US Treasury Bonds, because they're starting to see the United States as a bad investment because of how reckless our consumption and spending is. So the Federal Reserve picks up the slack. If China won't loan us money aka invest in our Treasury Bonds, the Federal Reserve will. The Federal Reserve recently printed $1 trillion which it invested in itself (Treasury Bonds) which is will disperse among the banks. Couple this with the countless other times they've handed out hundreds of billions of dollars they've given to banks. Meaning there are trillions of extra dollars in the market that came from the printing press, as the market reacts to these trillions of extra dollars, you'll see higher prices for everyday items like food, and clothing. Remember each additional dollar printed diminishes those already in circulation. Something can't effortlessly created from nothing.
As we keep up our current reckless financial policy, and as we see Asians lose confidence in our economy and economic policies. We'll see them stop lending us money and stop exporting products to us. So there will be a shortage on products we rely on the Asians providing for us. I think the current economic structure our country currently has must collapse, and we have to build up an economy that saves more than it spends so we can create legitimate credit, and produces instead of consumes, so we have a surplus we can save. I think in 10 to 15 years we'll see the United States building up a legitimate economy. I don't think we'll be the superpower of the world in 10 years, if we're lucky we'll be like France or Germany.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Chris Rock
Here is a video link to Chris Rock talking about the War on Terror, and how ridiculous political parties are.
I think some of the dumbest, most ignorant people in our country are the hardcore democrats and hardcore republicans. These two groups of extreme people are very narrowed minded and set in their beliefs and will not give the other side the time of day. For example most hardcore democrats who blindly follow like sheep, had a heart attack when Rush Limbaugh said he hoped Obama's policies failed. That doesn't mean he hates Obama or wants this country to fail. It meant he hopes that Obama isn't able to succeed with getting his massive spending agenda through congress, and public opinion. The same can be said about extreme republicans who took Patriotism to another level. They love this country so much, and what Bush is doing so much, that they started hating anything that they felt took away was hindering this divine patriotic cause they think they have going. Remember back to the early 2000's and even now, these true blue Americans had a very negative, almost hateful attitude to anyone who they thought was Arab, or an illegal Latino. I feel we're also starting to see this hate and negativity toward the Asian community.
I think some of the dumbest, most ignorant people in our country are the hardcore democrats and hardcore republicans. These two groups of extreme people are very narrowed minded and set in their beliefs and will not give the other side the time of day. For example most hardcore democrats who blindly follow like sheep, had a heart attack when Rush Limbaugh said he hoped Obama's policies failed. That doesn't mean he hates Obama or wants this country to fail. It meant he hopes that Obama isn't able to succeed with getting his massive spending agenda through congress, and public opinion. The same can be said about extreme republicans who took Patriotism to another level. They love this country so much, and what Bush is doing so much, that they started hating anything that they felt took away was hindering this divine patriotic cause they think they have going. Remember back to the early 2000's and even now, these true blue Americans had a very negative, almost hateful attitude to anyone who they thought was Arab, or an illegal Latino. I feel we're also starting to see this hate and negativity toward the Asian community.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Credit Crisis explained
Heres a link below to a video that explains our country's credit crisis. Its real easy to follow, and Americans should be aware of it.
The housing/credit crisis isn't anywhere near over; risky subprime loans got us into the trouble we're in now. I believe subprime was just the tip of the iceberg this option arm(adjustable rate mortgage) crisis which will happen in late 2009 early 2010 when these artificially low interest rates reset to much higher rates turning a $700 mortgage per month into a $1400+ mortgage per month, it will completely cripple the housing, credit and stock market. (See picture on top)
The subprime loans were risky and hit poor Americans hard, Middle America got these option arms, and pretty soon we'll see a lot of middle class people default on their mortgages, and that will have a domino effect on our economy. Banks still aren't lending money even after the $700+ billion they got from the bailout.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Here We Go....
I think these bailouts and stimulus packages have been, are, and will be a disaster.
Here is a video link to a cool twist the Joker from the Dark Knight has on this subject.
Some food for thought on how much the government can do.
"Governments cannot create but merely redirect. When the government spends, the money has to come from somewhere. If the government doesn't have a surplus, then it must come from taxes. If taxes don't go up, then it must come from increased borrowing. If lenders won't lend, then it must come from the printing press, which is where all these bailouts are headed. But each additional dollar printed diminishes the value those already in circulation. Something cannot be effortlessly created from nothing."
-Peter Schiff President of EuroPacific Capital
Here is a video link to a cool twist the Joker from the Dark Knight has on this subject.
Some food for thought on how much the government can do.
"Governments cannot create but merely redirect. When the government spends, the money has to come from somewhere. If the government doesn't have a surplus, then it must come from taxes. If taxes don't go up, then it must come from increased borrowing. If lenders won't lend, then it must come from the printing press, which is where all these bailouts are headed. But each additional dollar printed diminishes the value those already in circulation. Something cannot be effortlessly created from nothing."
-Peter Schiff President of EuroPacific Capital
Thursday, February 12, 2009
I have to say that I agree with Carl Becker. We as Americans take a lot of our liberties, and the fact that we have a democracy for granted. In fact we have almost forgotten what being a part of a democracy means. We have disconnected ourselves from the government, and figure they’ll do what’s best for us. We usually fall in line with what the government and media tells us to do, especially if they ground it into us. Most Americans have no idea how banks work, and how the Federal Reserve can manipulate various markets by tampering with interest rates, and the money supply. However 8 out of 10 Americans are in favor for the stimulus packages, and bailouts even though they are oblivious to how these pieces of legislation will affect our economy now and in the future. Since CNN and Barack Obama have said we’ve needed this stimulus package dozens of times, then we must need it. Auto tycoon Henry Ford once said if Americans really knew how our banking system in the US works, there would be a revolution tomorrow morning. The ray of hope is that we still live in a democracy, and if Americans can wake up, this government of the people can return to being an industrial powerhouse like we were in the early and mid 20th century, and going back to being the envy of the world.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Interesting Topics
1.What should America do about the economic crisis?
-Will injecting trillions of dollars into the market fix it?
-Is over-regulating aka federalizing everything the answer?
-Is the problem that we have a market inbalance, too much consumption not enough prodction?
-Could the free market potentially fix this?
2.Green Bay Packers
-Who should they draft with the 9th pick?
-Do we have the talent to win the NFC North next year?
-What type of denfensive scheme should we use next year?
3.Product of your enviorment
-How easy is it for a white kid in the suburbs to go to college?
-How hard is it for a minority from the inner city to go to college?
4.Who is your favorite Ferrell? Will or Colin?
5.The differences between Obama and McCain, and even Bush are very small.
-Don't expect alot of change with this president
-Look past the "Yes We Can" bs and listen to what he says and look at his policies
-Fiscally Obama and Bush are very similiar (extreme trade inbalances, extreme budget defits,extreme debt $50 trillion+ in public debt, and unfunded government obligations such as medicare, medicade, and social security, and the devaluation of the dollar)
-If you didn't like Bush's war in Iraq your not going to like Obama's war in Iraq and Afghanistan
6.Should you be able to buy things with money you don't have, and should you have to pay back loans?
-Are Americans entitled to endless credit, because we've gotten used to our extravagant lifestyle?
-Is it fair for an asian to work the same job as an American and get paid a fraction of what the American gets paid?
-The volume of a nations credit, is based on that nation's savings,when nations stray from this economic law, they run into serious financial trouble.Look at the United States right now.
-Will injecting trillions of dollars into the market fix it?
-Is over-regulating aka federalizing everything the answer?
-Is the problem that we have a market inbalance, too much consumption not enough prodction?
-Could the free market potentially fix this?
2.Green Bay Packers
-Who should they draft with the 9th pick?
-Do we have the talent to win the NFC North next year?
-What type of denfensive scheme should we use next year?
3.Product of your enviorment
-How easy is it for a white kid in the suburbs to go to college?
-How hard is it for a minority from the inner city to go to college?
4.Who is your favorite Ferrell? Will or Colin?
5.The differences between Obama and McCain, and even Bush are very small.
-Don't expect alot of change with this president
-Look past the "Yes We Can" bs and listen to what he says and look at his policies
-Fiscally Obama and Bush are very similiar (extreme trade inbalances, extreme budget defits,extreme debt $50 trillion+ in public debt, and unfunded government obligations such as medicare, medicade, and social security, and the devaluation of the dollar)
-If you didn't like Bush's war in Iraq your not going to like Obama's war in Iraq and Afghanistan
6.Should you be able to buy things with money you don't have, and should you have to pay back loans?
-Are Americans entitled to endless credit, because we've gotten used to our extravagant lifestyle?
-Is it fair for an asian to work the same job as an American and get paid a fraction of what the American gets paid?
-The volume of a nations credit, is based on that nation's savings,when nations stray from this economic law, they run into serious financial trouble.Look at the United States right now.
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